Ascend Spring Intensive & ATD Regional

By Frontline Ministries (other events)

Thu, Apr 5 2018 6:30 PM EST Sat, Apr 7 2018 7:30 PM EST

You are the temple of His presence! 
We are not inviting you to another event! 
We invite you to gather with us, bringing your unique piece of His presence to this region, in this wineskin of worship and prayer, to pulverize this region with His presence and bring awakening!

This is not another event or conference…
This is ascending the hill of the Lord together
This is Day and NIght worship and prayer
This is a gathering of united hearts
This is presence

Thursday, April 5th 
6:30 p.m. Prophetic Ministry and Intercession with the Tammie Southerland, the Breakthrough Tribe & Brian Francis Hume (National Prayer Coordinator for Awaken the Dawn and Co-Founder of The Breakthrough Tribe)

Friday, April 6th 
Prayer Room 11:00 a.m.- Until

7:30 p.m. 
Worship with Catherine Mullins, former worship leader @ the Ramp in Hamilton, AL and Corry Robinson, worship leader for IHOP, the Call, ATD, and more.
Worship time will flow into Prophetic Ministry Time with Tammie Southerland, Mike Morisi, and others

11:00 p.m. 
Night Watch Begins (Non-stop live worship and intercession flows through the night with regional worship and prayer leaders 

Saturday, April 7th

Midnight onward Prayer Room Continues 

8:30 a.m. Ascend Family Breakfast Meet & Greet with Awaken the Dawn Region 8

10:00 a.m. Take the City equipping and ministry flows in and then teams will be sent out into the area from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
(live worship and prayer room continues non-stop)

6:00 p.m. Corporate Worship BLOW OUT with United Worship Band